Collaboration with Trento Film Festival
Trento Film Festival usually runs in Spring, between the end of April and the beginning of May, and it is a unique event where people meet and share their love for natural environments. The main theme of the event is the relationship between men and nature. Mountains, and the various forms they can assume thanks to men, are the main protagonists. From movie screenings to workshops, the Festival is extremely engaging.
The Network of Nature Reserves in collaboration with TFF organises different activities in the Network's territories. Among these we can find literary walks, night excursions that have the aim to look at the stars that are normally hidden by the city lights, historical visits, walks in which you will come in direct contact with nature (precisely without socks), and classical conventions about the promotion of mountain environments and much more.
Don't miss this great opportunity to have fun, think and discover!
You can find the yearly updated programme in the website of Trento Film Festival and in our news page.